818. 883.2568


Call Escrow Retro @ 818. 883.2568 


Check out Your "City Code Requirements" in which you live.  

within the City of "Los Angeles" properties are required to have,

(before the close of Escrow) all of the following:

  • "Certificate of Compliance" (Issued and signed by Retrofitter, Contractor, or Realtor)
  • All "Toilets" to be ultra low-flow 1.6 gpf or lower at point of sale.
  • All Showers to have "low-flow" 2.5 gpm "Shower Heads" Installed
  • All Water Heaters to be "Double Strapped" to code and be properly "Seismic Blocked" as well as having a TPR valve and be correctly discharged (using correct piping) to the exterior if possible.
  • All Bedrooms (rooms with closets) to have "Smoke Detectors" Installed
  • All Hallways (leading to Bedrooms) to have "Smoke Detectors" Installed.
  • All Levels of the Residence, including Basements and Livable Attics require Smoke Detectors and CO Detectors.
  • California Law now requires that when installing new smoke detectors in a Single Family Home; (Check City Code Requirements) a (10 Year Battery Operated Smoke Detector) be used, or an Electric (ac operated with battery backup) smoke detector be used. Older Smoke detectors that are battery operated are no longer acceptable for usage. Multi-Family Dwellings (units with a common wall)  In the City of L.A. will need (Electric operated with Battery backup) to be Installed in all bedrooms and The adjoining Hallways. Some Cities, other than that of Los Angeles, can install (10 yr. Battery type) please check the "City Code Requirements" on the bar to the left!
  • "CO Detectors" (Carbon Monoxide)  are to be Installed on each floor of the Home if it has a fireplace, a gas burning Furnace or Stove, and or a garage attached to the home. Townhouses or condos will need a CO Detector if it has any gas appliances and or if the Parking Garage is under the Residence (1st Level only) CO detectors may be Battery operated or Electric operated. Also a combined Smoke Detector / CO Detector can be used (Installed as directed by the manufacture.) If Battery Operated Combo units are used, (Smoke / Co detectors)  they must now incorperate the use of the (10 Year Battery.) 
  • Any "Sliding Glass Patio Doors" (moving doors only) that are "not tempered" glass, must have a "Impact Hazard Safety Glazing Installed" French type Doors (Doors with large wooden Frames) are exempt, but if a single payne of glass is present we recommend that they be "Safety Glazed."
  • Sink Faucets are to have 2.2 gpm aerators Installed
  • Gas Meters are to be equipped with an automatic seismic gas shut off vlave (SGSOV). and be Permitted by the City of L.A. (check the city code requirements, as some cities outside Los Angeles might require SGSOV's)

ESCROW RETRO was developed with one simple goal in mind; Help the Realtor with their Clients, and Help the Home Owner with the transition of selling their home. We have assisted the Real Estate community and their Clients since 1991. Our extensive experience in working with Home Owners will make your Retrofitting experience as effortless as possible. We are Quick, Clean and Deticated to our Clients needs.  Let us know if you have any special needs to be taken care of when contracting our services.  We Specialize in completing the (9a) "Retrofitting" by completing the necessary  "Compliance Ordinances" mandated by the City of L.A. and the State of California. Please see "City Code Requirements" for what is neede in your city!  As a courtesy to our Clients, we offer that all consideration to be handled through Escrow.   Give us a call to set up an apointment now! You will not be disapointed!

"ER" is a Licensed, Bonded, and Insured, for your benifit as a homewoner. 



What to do

Choose what method to use
  • Call us Directly @ 818. 883.2568 or
  • Fill out Customer Order Form (Short Form) or
  • "Download" our "Long" Order Form (See below)
  • Complete order form (Important)
  • Tell us everything that needs to be done
  • E-mail, Fax or SEND us your completed order form
  • We will confirm receipt
  • We will contact you to go over the details of your order
  • Set up appointment to do inspection and work
  • Send "Original" Certificate and invoice to Escrow 
  • Send "Copy" of Certificate and invoice to your agent and yourself
  • Bill Escrow for our work
  • Your Escrow Successfully closes



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We Provide the Following ESCROW SERVICES and more

  • Retrofit Inspection
  • Issuance of Certificate of  Compliance
  • Installation of Low Flow toilets
  • Installation of Low Flow Showerheads
  • Smoke detector Installation
  • Carbon monoxide "CO Detector" installation
  • Repairs per Buyer’s Request for Repairs
  • Impact Hazard Safety Glazing
  • Seismic Gas Shutoff Valve Installation (SGSOV)
  • Termite Woodwork Replacement
  • Water Heater double strapping / Seismic Blocking, TPR valve Installation
  • GFCI Installation

With other requests you can call us at

818-883-2568 or

complete the contact form below.

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